ICU Medical Just Acquired Smiths Medical

Here’s everything you need to know about how infusion therapy is going to change in future medical devices.

ICU Medical just announced that they’ve acquired Smiths Medical, creating a US medical device corporation that can compete on the global stage. According to ICU Medical, their estimated combined revenue totals at $2.5 billion, making them a leading infusion therapy company within the medical industry.

“We are pleased that Smiths Medical is now part of ICU Medical, and we welcome our new Smiths colleagues to the ICU team. We look forward to working together to continue providing quality, innovation, and value to our clinical customers worldwide.” – Vivek Jain, Chairman and CEO, ICU Medical.

Who is Smiths Medical? 

If you work in a hospital or a medical clinic, you’ve probably come across a medical device manufactured by Smiths Medical. Founded in Minneapolis in 1940, Smiths Medical manufactures and distributes:

  • Syringe and ambulatory infusion devices
  • Vascular access
  • Vital care products

… to care facilities around the globe.

What’s changing after the acquisition?

Now that ICU Medical has acquired Smiths Medical, they’re planning to combine their medical device offerings to include:

  • IV Solutions
  • Dedicated IV Sets
  • LVP Infusion Pumps and Software
  • Non-Dedicated IV Sets and Accessories
  • Peripheral IV Catheters
  • Fluid Warming 
  • Respiratory Devices

… that you may see in care facilities in the coming years.

As per ICU Medical, the company plans to announce its complete FY 2022 guidance on its Q4 earnings in late February.

Throughout the changes, AIV sticks by your side. For 35 years, AIV has been helping Biomedical and Clinical Engineering professionals extend the life of their equipment.

We repair and manufacture replacement parts for both ICU Medical and Smiths Medical infusion pumps.

Get in touch with us today to inquire about products or services.

About the Author
Laura Collier 

Laura Collier has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of North Florida. She is the Marketing Manager at AIV, Inc.

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